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January 30, 2005
They're Number One!
The people of Iraq have earned a thumbs-up today... but I hope they'll settle for this:

(Inspiration and a collection of other pictures at GOPbloggers.org)
Posted by Russ at 09:51 PM, January 30, 2005 in News
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Blue Ink For Monday from The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
If your ballpoint explodes tomorrow you'll have the perfect excuse to ink up your finger in solidarity with Iraqi voters.... [Read More]
Tracked on January 30, 2005 10:47 PM
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Blue Ink For Monday from The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
If your ballpoint explodes tomorrow you'll have the perfect excuse to ink up your finger in solidarity with Iraqi voters.... [Read More]
Tracked on January 30, 2005 10:47 PM