Quote of the Day
Today's quote of the day comes at the end of this brief portion of an interview on Dayside with [the very cute] Linda Vester, with Christopher Hitchens, regarding his book Love, Poverty and War:
Hitchens: Michael Moore openly says that he regards the murderers and torturers and beheaders in Iraq as the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers.
Vester: Which a number of people in this room take a dim view of.
Hitchens: I should hope.
Vester: Why do you in particular... I mean, you're tough on Michael Moore in your book. Why?
Hitchens: Well, because he's a scumbag.
Emphasis mine... because it can't be emphasized enough.
Posted by Russ at 02:01 PM, December 6, 2004 in Quotes
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Oh Yes ... from INDC Journal
Hitchens scores an eminently sensible goal, via TacJammer: Hitchens: Michael Moore openly says that he regards the murderers and torturers and beheaders in Iraq as the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers. Vester: Which a number of people in ... [Read More]
Tracked on December 8, 2004 12:09 PM
*sigh* My husband just adores Michael Moore. If you say Michael Moore said something against America and it's troops, you best have proof, solid proof of him saying - like an unedited video clip of him saying it, before my husband will believe he said it. For instance, when Moore called the terrorist insurgents 'patriots' and that they will prevail over our soldiers... because i have been unable to come up with proof that he actually said it, my husband says it's republican propoganda and Moore never actually said it. Last night my husband tried to rent "F9/11" on PPV but I refused to let him. I told him I didn't want that man's voice or image in my house. He'll likely order it when I'm not home though.
Ugh... since he hates our country so much, why can't Moore just leave?
Posted by: Kricket at December 7, 2004 10:45 AM
My sympathies, Kricket. How do you live with him and not argue all the time?
I've about stopped talking politics with my brother because he's buying the MSM line and actually called Iraq a quagmire a couple of weeks ago, and I don't have to see him every day.
Posted by: Retread at December 7, 2004 08:49 PM
Ah, who says we don't argue all the time? hehehehe We had to make a rule - no discussing politics or religion any more. I'm republican, he's democrat. I'm Christian, he's agnostic. I'm Gemini, he's Leo. I'm Irish, he's German. I'm the oldest, he's the youngest. I'm right, he's wrong. End of story. We are only permitted to talk about how much we love each other now. hehehe
Posted by: Kricket at December 8, 2004 10:42 AM
Kricket, as to the quote you were referring to. would Michael Moore's own website be good enough for your skeptical husband? try this link http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?messageDate=2004-04-14
Posted by: emc2iscool at December 8, 2004 01:50 PM
Oh, thank you so much! you are my hero! I have sent my husband, who is at work right now, the link! thank you thank you!
Posted by: Kricket at December 9, 2004 08:59 AM
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Oh Yes ... from INDC Journal
Hitchens scores an eminently sensible goal, via TacJammer: Hitchens: Michael Moore openly says that he regards the murderers and torturers and beheaders in Iraq as the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers. Vester: Which a number of people in ... [Read More]
Tracked on December 8, 2004 12:09 PM
*sigh* My husband just adores Michael Moore. If you say Michael Moore said something against America and it's troops, you best have proof, solid proof of him saying - like an unedited video clip of him saying it, before my husband will believe he said it. For instance, when Moore called the terrorist insurgents 'patriots' and that they will prevail over our soldiers... because i have been unable to come up with proof that he actually said it, my husband says it's republican propoganda and Moore never actually said it. Last night my husband tried to rent "F9/11" on PPV but I refused to let him. I told him I didn't want that man's voice or image in my house. He'll likely order it when I'm not home though.
Ugh... since he hates our country so much, why can't Moore just leave?
Posted by: Kricket at December 7, 2004 10:45 AM
My sympathies, Kricket. How do you live with him and not argue all the time?
I've about stopped talking politics with my brother because he's buying the MSM line and actually called Iraq a quagmire a couple of weeks ago, and I don't have to see him every day.
Posted by: Retread at December 7, 2004 08:49 PM
Ah, who says we don't argue all the time? hehehehe We had to make a rule - no discussing politics or religion any more. I'm republican, he's democrat. I'm Christian, he's agnostic. I'm Gemini, he's Leo. I'm Irish, he's German. I'm the oldest, he's the youngest. I'm right, he's wrong. End of story. We are only permitted to talk about how much we love each other now. hehehe
Posted by: Kricket at December 8, 2004 10:42 AM
Kricket, as to the quote you were referring to. would Michael Moore's own website be good enough for your skeptical husband? try this link http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?messageDate=2004-04-14
Posted by: emc2iscool
at December 8, 2004 01:50 PM
Oh, thank you so much! you are my hero! I have sent my husband, who is at work right now, the link! thank you thank you!
Posted by: Kricket at December 9, 2004 08:59 AM