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November 09, 2004
"Now What?" They Asked

Has it already been a week since Election Day? It hardly feels like it. It's finally over.

Now what am I supposed to do?

OK, OK, I was not an "election blogger," as such, despite my involvement with Blogs For Bush. I mainly did (and still do) the behind-the-scenes techy geeky stuff; I wrote very little over there. So it's not like I have to change gears and come up with a new schtick here.

Similarly, I've not been a "warblogger," per se. Yes, I'm a Milblogger and yes, I support the war; I'll even write something about it occasionally. I was indeed inspired (to some degree) to start blogging by the then-impending conflict in Iraq. But it's not my biggest reason for being here.

At least, I think not. I'll save the introspection for another time. Live-blogging my thought processes is bound to make me look like an idiot.

Since I consider myself dependant neither on the war nor on the election for my daily bloggery, I can continue with my little band of blog-friends and readers... I think. Writing about barbecue, for instance, will never get old for me, but reading about it...? Y'all would have to be pretty dedicated. Or committed.

I will, however, remain involved with B4B as it evolves.

The Commissar has a few thoughts on the post-election self-cleansing of the blogosphere — definitely worth reading.

Posted by Russ at 01:02 PM, November 9, 2004 in Barbecue & Bloggery

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The Clash once sang, “What are we gonna do now?". [Read More]

Tracked on November 9, 2004 03:26 PM


Russ, I can see, and hear, you saying this, and I haven't spoken to you in a number of years. I guess it is true - the good things in life do not change. Your mom mentioned your site when she was visiting with the family on her way back home. I hope to catch up with you soon.

Posted by: Rob (from Artesia) at November 12, 2004 05:22 PM

Russ, oops! Wrong thought line. Should have been the one regarding your 'fervered imagination' - very nicely said.

Posted by: Rob at November 12, 2004 05:26 PM