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October 22, 2004
Quote of the Day

If it's Friday and I'm quoting someone, the odds are very good it's Victor Davis Hanson:

When this is all over, and George Bush is reelected — Republicans then controlling all branches of federal government, and most of the state legislatures and governorships — then, and only then, will Democrats grasp the march of folly in 2004, and either return to their roots or perish from increasing irrelevance. Meanwhile, George Bush, oblivious to the hysteria, will finish and win this war.

This country benefits from having two competetive and rational parties; the Democrats try to be competetive, but they are increasingly irrational. As things stand, they will have to "destroy their party in order to save it" — a formulation with which their current candidate may be passingly familiar.

The self-destruction is well under way. But will they save it?

Posted by Russ at 02:02 PM, October 22, 2004 in Quotes

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