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September 13, 2004
Moment of Unbearable Cuteness
As a break from any pretense of seriousness here, I present a pic my sister sent me of one of her new kittens, "Bubba."
(Yes, "Bubba." Hey, cut her some slack - she's a Tennesseean now.)

That's one dandy little lion.
Posted by Russ at 08:16 PM, September 13, 2004 in Animals
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Cat Blogging from Spacecraft
Speaking of cats. And it's not even Friday.... [Read More]
Tracked on September 14, 2004 04:46 PM
Don't let the sweet look fool you - Bubba could kick your butt from Number 2 Pencil
The work schedule is kinda crazy right now - I didn't get home until 10 pm last night, and I have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do this weekend. I should be able to post, but I can't promise... [Read More]
Tracked on October 14, 2004 03:03 PM
Hey, wait a year or so. He might make a perfectly good Bubba. I had a stray orange tabby that decided my home was his at about 10 weeks. A year later no spider trying to find a snug home for the winter had a chance. I'm sure the mice had secrect marks on our house the way the hobos of old used to do: stay away, no hospitality. That cat was quite sure he was a lion, and the dogs believed too.
Posted by: Retread at September 13, 2004 09:04 PM
A cutie. But aren't they all? I am very found of cats. They have such a personality to them. Especially as kittens. They do love their bugs!!!
Posted by: J.R. at September 15, 2004 03:22 AM
The best mouser we ever had was a runt named Dusk, she never grew much larger than a 6-month old kitten. But she'd kill at least her own weight in mice every day, and often took on other rodents who weighed as much as she gophers and the like. She was ruthless.
And utterly devoted to us. Therein was the only downside. She liked to present her beloved humans with the victors spoils. This sat well with neither my mother nor my sister.
Posted by: Brian B at September 20, 2004 06:18 PM
Awww. What a cutie pie! :)
Posted by: Miss O'Hara at September 22, 2004 02:54 PM
What an absolutely beautiful pic.
Posted by: emma at March 1, 2005 11:48 AM
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Cat Blogging from Spacecraft
Speaking of cats. And it's not even Friday.... [Read More]
Tracked on September 14, 2004 04:46 PM
Don't let the sweet look fool you - Bubba could kick your butt from Number 2 Pencil
The work schedule is kinda crazy right now - I didn't get home until 10 pm last night, and I have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do this weekend. I should be able to post, but I can't promise... [Read More]
Tracked on October 14, 2004 03:03 PM
Hey, wait a year or so. He might make a perfectly good Bubba. I had a stray orange tabby that decided my home was his at about 10 weeks. A year later no spider trying to find a snug home for the winter had a chance. I'm sure the mice had secrect marks on our house the way the hobos of old used to do: stay away, no hospitality. That cat was quite sure he was a lion, and the dogs believed too.
Posted by: Retread at September 13, 2004 09:04 PM
A cutie. But aren't they all? I am very found of cats. They have such a personality to them. Especially as kittens. They do love their bugs!!!
Posted by: J.R. at September 15, 2004 03:22 AM
The best mouser we ever had was a runt named Dusk, she never grew much larger than a 6-month old kitten. But she'd kill at least her own weight in mice every day, and often took on other rodents who weighed as much as she gophers and the like. She was ruthless.
And utterly devoted to us. Therein was the only downside. She liked to present her beloved humans with the victors spoils. This sat well with neither my mother nor my sister.
Posted by: Brian B at September 20, 2004 06:18 PM
Awww. What a cutie pie! :)
Posted by: Miss O'Hara at September 22, 2004 02:54 PM
What an absolutely beautiful pic.
Posted by: emma at March 1, 2005 11:48 AM