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August 21, 2004
Quote of the Day
Andrew Stuttaford:
One of the more absurd aspects of multiculturalism is the way that we are in the West are now meant to revere the 'authentic' wisdom of those parts of the world still mired in the backward traditions of the past. We swoon at the feet of shamans – basically conmen dressed in twigs. We look for enlightenment from the cults and superstitions of societies that are tens of thousands of years late in escaping the Stone Age.
In NRO's "The Corner."
Posted by Russ at 11:19 PM, August 21, 2004 in Quotes
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I remember getting into an enormous flamewar with a guy over how "advanced" primitive cultures were. He completely blew a gasket when I said, "I don't know about you, but I'm ever seriously ill, I'm going to the Yale-New Haven Hospital, and not Witch Doctor Umbogo."
Of course, I was immediately denounced as a racist shortly thereafter.
Posted by: John Bono
at August 23, 2004 12:10 AM