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June 05, 2003
Robin Hood was not a Socialist

On CNSnews today, Ron Marr, drawing comparisons to the Robin Hood tale, points out that, despite their claims and posturing, the Left is ultimately not the Friend Of The Little Guy:

The poor are their pawns - useful tools to whom them throw gristle and moldy bones in return for votes. Though the Democrat ruse is to convince low wage earners and the voluntarily unemployed that refuse from their tables is but a sample of the gourmet meal to come, such is a bald-faced lie. They have no intention of ever providing anything but the most meager of rations.

The reason? The vision of the left is to foster false hope and create inescapable dependency. They wish to make the poor reliant, to position themselves as heroes of the common man. Their theology has far more in common with a noble/serf relationship than it does with helping one free themselves from the chains of poverty.

I'd sum up the Robin Hood issue thus:

Robin Hood did not steal from the rich to give to the poor.
Robin Hood stole from the taxman to give back to the taxpayer.

Don't let the Left tell you otherwise.

Posted by Russ at 10:06 AM, June 5, 2003 in Politics

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The Blog Rounds: June 5, 2003 from Little Tiny Lies
Demented Ravings from the Usual Suspects Keith at Susskins Central Dispatch is not exactly burning up the keys these days, [Read More]

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Remembering Robin Hood Correctly from Trojan Horseshoes
From TacJammer: Robin Hood did not steal from the rich to give to the poor. Robin Hood stole from the [Read More]

Tracked on June 6, 2003 07:47 AM


>>"Their theology has far more in common with a noble/serf relationship than it..."

And that's exactly the problem with the left. They don't see government as a secular tool to get things done -- it's a theology.

Naturally, anyone running afoul of the left's would-be-theocracy must be accused of heresy, and burnt at the stake.

Oh, the irony of it. The left accuses the right of being theocrats, but when it comes to the left's version of what government ought to be, thou shalt have no false gods before it...

Posted by: Omnibus Bill at June 6, 2003 12:38 PM