I don’t know karate. But I do know Glock, Taurus, ParaOrd, Beretta…

Posted By on September 18, 2008 at 5:47 pm

All of my adult life, I’ve been more than able to physically defend myself. I’ve never, fortunately, had to throw a punch, but I’ve broken up a tussle or two. And I’ve never been the victim of a crime against my person. More than once, I’ve seen that look on a person’s face that said “no way am I messing with that guy.”
Now, though, being reliant on a cane and permanently shaky on my feet, I’m in a position of relative helplessness — I can neither rely on my size and strength to keep a potential assailant at bay, nor can I retreat if the situation warrants. If someone wants to take me on, I’m basically a victim waiting to happen. Kick my cane out from under me, and I’m likely to hit the ground in very short order. Not exactly an ideal position from which to defend one’s self.
Well, there’s an old saying, “God created Men. Sam Colt made them equal.”
I’m going to get a concealed carry permit. And while I don’t own a Colt, I do have a few other items that would do the job.
I’d been considering it for more than a little while, but never got around to it. Well, I was trading e-mail with Steve H. this week, and mentioned the possibility — he replied, “The permit sounds like a great idea. But how could it NOT be?
He’s right.


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