Good and Bad

Posted By on October 5, 2009 at 5:18 pm

Like everyone else, I have good days and bad days, health-wise. I have so noted, previously. Not to get all Cartesian here, but my “good/bad curve” is much farther down the y-axis than most folks’ curve.
Imagine going to the gym and doing a complete leg workout, to the point of complete failure of every muscle in your legs, hips and butt. Then a Singapore cop with a wooden rod beats on your legs for a little while as if your legs had been busted for vandalism. That’s how I feel on a typical day. A good day is when the cop couldn’t get to me because of some other petty crime in need of “correction.”
Today is one of those good days. A truly really genuinely good day, where “good” doesn’t merely equal “not bad,” but surpasses it.
On those rare occasions when I feel as good as I do today, I’m tempted to try doing things that might end up imperiling my well-being. Hurting myself by going overboard, in other words.
It’s those times that I have come to think of as my “Star Wars moments” — when my inner geek summons up one of two different warnings.
In the past I’ve mentioned the “Han Solo rule“:

But when I am really tempted to do something a bit beyond my capability just because I’m feeling pretty good, I suddenly get the feeling that Admiral Ackbar might just tap me on the shoulder with a warning:

It is a warning I usually heed. The fact that I haven’t broken any bones since last December is a pretty good indicator.


One Response to “Good and Bad”

  1. mom says:

    That’s my boy – he’s learning!