And so it continues.

Posted By on September 2, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Well, hello there. Long time no… er… long time no kvetch about the Recent Neurological Unpleasantness.
At my semi-annual “status update” visit with the neurologist a couple of weeks ago, the doctor saw a couple of things that bothered him, so I was scheduled for a Nerve Conduction test, which I had yesterday.
You may recall that I’ve described this as the “Taser test” — electrodes are attached to the extremities and then electric shocks are applied farther up the limb in order to measure the nerve conductivity.
The bad news is that my right arm had to be tested. I haven’t had upper body problems before. This is worrisome, to put it mildly.
The other bad news is that the test showed degradation of the conductivity in my legs.
The good news… well, there was no good news.


2 Responses to “And so it continues.”

  1. Devin says:

    I’m sorry to hear that bud. You are really one of the nicer people that I know. I do think about you oft, you got me motivated to do the modeling. Hang tough brother, and keep up the commas.

  2. Devin says:

    That would be comms, not commas. Damn that auto correct