A Week’s Worth of Twitter Updates

Posted By on September 3, 2012 at 10:00 am

  • If I got arrested in 1864 #NYC this would be my #mugshot Try the app yourself (via @CopperTV and @BBCAmerica) http://t.co/L8rRyb9o #
  • Neil Armstrong walked on the moon at 39. When I was 39, I wasn't even walking around the block every day. #
  • Garlic may just be the best thing ever. Oh, how I've missed you, Divine Flavor. #
  • Whoever built New Orleans was a genius. Below sea level, in hurricane territory, and packed full of Democrats. Still, I hope they do OK. #
  • I don't know about *your* Tuesday, but I just cooked bacon AND made a batch of kimchi, so I'm pretty sure I'm ahead in the point totals. #
  • Swinging for the fence… connecting. RT @jaketapper: Feisty T-Paw #
  • I really dislike Huckabee, but I have to admit, he's good on the stump. #
  • Nailed it. RT @MelissaTweets: The crisis in K12 education is a threat to the very fabric of who we are. — @CondoleezzaRice #
  • Good lord, I think I'm breathless. #Condi #RNC2012 #
  • RT @TheRickWilson: “A country where everything is free but us.” wow wow wow. Be still, my libertarian heart. #
  • RT @stephenkruiser: I hope everyone on Team Lightrbringer is wearing a cup tonight. #BecauseRepeatedGroinKicks #GOP2012 #
  • RT @AceofSpadesHQ: Mitt Romney needs to start using the word "choad" in mixed company, for no reason. #
  • I need to BUY a top hat, spats, and a monocle. // RT @AceofSpadesHQ: Mitt Romney needs to start wearing a top hat, spats, and a monocle. #
  • I always – ALWAYS – get choked up when I see a Reagan retrospective like that. #
  • I was actually wondering if *Mitt* would surprise everyone later by busting out some Spanish. Wasn't expecting the kid. #
  • +1 RT @miracleofsound: Farewell, Jersey Shore. We liked you because you made us feel better than someone. #
  • And @markos once again reveals himself for the heartless, soulless, colossal douchebag he truly is. http://t.co/BqdRO0q4 #DIAF #
  • I need to watch the "Miracle on Ice" video again. Like, during the next commercial break. #
  • Seeing Mike Eruzione speak tonight, I had to see this again. I watched it happen with my Dad. Good times. http://t.co/vg71YRIf #
  • Me tonight: "Marco Rubio is killing!" MSNBC fact checkers tomorrow: "I witnessed FL Senator on murder spree, sez blogger." #RNC2012 #tcot #
  • Great – now @MSNBC is gonna say "Right-Wing Pundit Claims to Witness GOP Murder Spree." // MT @AnnCoulter: Mitt killing! #
  • Romney knows all the verses to "America the Beautiful." Odds of Obama knowing even one? I'm guessing under 50%. #
  • Who the hell is @MsTerryMcMillan and why should anyone care what she thinks? She seems downright ignorant, to me. #
  • Why am I still awake? Why? Why? Why? I am so doomed for work tonight. #
  • It occurs to me that the book I wrote is probably more a benefit to society than any/everything written by @MsTerryMcMillan. Seriously. #
  • That hantavirus in the news… nasty. An officer in our brigade in Korea died of that – it was called Korean Hemorrhagic Fever back then. #
  • Someone needs to tell Harry Reid to insert something sharp/jagged into himself, sideways. #
  • You misspelled "dumpster." RT @Doc6666: #DNCSouvenirs Official Fluke condom wastebasket #
  • When I was #newtoWHO I had never owned any scarf of any length or color(s). #doctorwho #
  • Just a reminder: Harry Reid has yet to deny the serious allegation that he is a pederast. Pedobear would approve. http://t.co/520CImcT #tcot #
  • Lightning *very* close to the house. Kismet seems to be sleeping soundly through the booms. Packet is nowhere to be seen. #


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