A Week’s Worth of Twitter Updates
Posted By Russ Emerson on October 9, 2011 at 4:27 am
- FTFY MT @hale_razor: #p2 loves a community of pple working together for a common purpose, unless it's for, you know, their own money. #tcot #
- Sweet. RT @NiceDeb: Herman Cain Wins NFRW Straw Poll In KC With 48.9% of the Votes – That Makes Three in a Row http://t.co/rxyb42R4 #tcot #
- One router fixed, ?? to go. The day is young, but it's only 8.5 hours until my weekend begins. Not that I'm watching the clock or anything. #
- If I were Chief of NYPD, I'd be sure to order that soap be added to the water cannons that are no doubt being kept ready. #occupywallstreet #
- Full, complete, utter agreement. // RT @E_in_AZ: Some ppl should just not be allowed to have a caps lock or shift key on their keyboard. >:\ #
- When I say your router problem is the WAN, don't recable the LAN and reload the router. I will cease to be interested in helping you. #geek #
- ICYMI: The Perils of Cat Ownership, as Specifically Related to the Pursuit of a Hobby – http://t.co/YtBJ40gl #
- Why am I awake? Why? #
- Someone – everyone – neglected to tell me that today is National Taco Day until now. I have beef, tortillas, etc…. it's not too late. #
- Did you forget the hashtag? ;-) #FirstWorldProblems // RT @E_in_AZ: Crap, I just noticed I lost the back of my earring. #
- A bit late getting to dinner, but that's OK, 'cause it's still National Taco Day out west. #
- BREAKING: I make awesome tacos. #
- Why, yes, it *is* 9am, and yes, I *am* still awake. Another vet housecall for ailing Mycah. Possible kidney issues. Poor old girl. #
- Now it all becomes clear. RT @jtLOL: The sad thing is, this is the most sense he's ever made in his life. http://t.co/QgafZ5s8 #
- This is brilliant. I don't own a PS3 either. / MT @miracleofsound: I don't own a PS3, but this ad is just genius http://t.co/OOcvT0vC #
- The vet has come and gone, I have a bunch of meds for Mycah (including an IV every other day.) Finally time now for me to #OccupyMyBed #
- My first computer was an Apple II. It could be argued that my life in tech was set on its course thereby. RIP Steve Jobs. #
- The difference between TEA partiers and #OccupyWallStreet as kids the former played football and baseball; the latter played soccer. #tcot #
- So, you're new at this "GOP politics" thing? // MT @keder: I think Huntsman would make a fine President. He's just an awful candidate. #
- Q. What do you call the #OccupyWallStreet peons now that SEIU has shown up to "organize" the protests? A. "Cannon fodder." #tcot #
- RT @thekelliejane: Someone just asked me why I wasn't occupying Wall St. I looked him in the eye & said "I'm not into asking for free crap." #
- Kismet has some sort of pre-cognitive ability that allows him to flop down and sleep right where my feet will need to be in 5 minutes. #cats #
- I'm now 13 months overdue for a haircut, but my hair still isn't long enough to do a proper ponytail. "Locks of Love" has some waiting yet. #
- #TeaParty "Keep your hands off my stuff." #OccupyWallStreet "Gimme gimme gimme [your stuff.]" The difference seems pretty clear. #tcot #
- We Are The World #Worst80sSong #
- Come on, people, it's obvious: "We Are The World" #Worst80sSong #
- Time to medicate Mycah. If you don't hear from me again in an hour, call the paramedics. I'm type O-negative. #
- I swear, that cat is the biggest pain in the butt to give meds to. #
- Good plan. // RT @Jim_PRS: My happy thought: I would like to rip Lawrence O'Donnell's arm off and beat Bill Maher to death with it. #
- Looks like it's time for me to #OccupyMyBreakfast before it becomes time to #OccupyMyJob #
- "Stupid Florida Primary Tricks" mess things up for everyone: http://t.co/Wk9l1FMU — they should lose their convention delegates for this. #
- Just gave Mycah her I.V. (well, subcutaneous) fluids. It was pretty much just about as much fun as it sounds. #cats #
- Mycah's primary defensive mechanism when faced with such indignity isn't teeth or claws; she sheds massively. I am *covered* in fur. #